Yuzuru OKABE(Patent Attorney Admitted 1986)

Position: President
Technical Field: mechanical engineering, optics
Education : Yokohama National University (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering)
Member : Japanese group of AIPPI, Asian Patent Attorneys Association, LES,
Technical Advisor of Intellectual Property High Court
Job History : Temporarily assigned as Judicial Research Office of Tokyo High Court
from April 2002 to September 2004.
Vice President of Japan Patent Attorneys Association in 2006.

Tamiko MUKAI (Attorney-at-Law Admitted 2012)

Position: Advisor (The Tokyo-Marunouchi Law Offices)
Education : Ochanomizu University (Bachelor of Science)
Gakushuin University Law School (Juris Doctor)
Job History : Engineer, TOSHIBA (1988-2002)

Takao OCHI(Patent Attorney Admitted 1991)(※1)

Position: Vice President and Manager of Mechanical Engineering Division
Technical Field: mechanical engineering, optics
Education : Yokohama National University (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering)
Member : The Director of Asian Patent Attorneys Association

Seiichiro TAKAHASHI (Patent Attorney Admitted 1995) (※1)

Technical Field: mechanical engineering

Education : Chiba University (ME)

Takao MATSUI(Patent Attorney Admitted 2001) (※1)

Technical Field: thermal engineering, fluid engineering, space engineering, machine tools, materials, precision machinery, electronic equipment, exercise quipment

Education : Tokyo Institute of Technology (Master of Engineering)
Hitotsubashi University (Master of Business Law)
Member : Candidate for IPR Advisory Staff of Tokyo Customs (2008-),Technical
Advisor of Intellectual Property High Court(2010-), Asian Patent Attorneys 
Association(APAA), Intellectual Property Association of Japan (IPAJ)

Hideyuki KAWAUCHI(Patent Attorney Admitted 2012)

Technical Field: intellectual property, information system engineering
Education : Osaka Institute of Technology(M.A.), Chuo University (Bachelor of Science and Engineering)

Hideyuki IWATSUKI(Patent Attorney Admitted 2015)

Technical Field: mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, thermal engineering, fluid engineering, machine tools, precision machinery, energy Conversion engineering, electrical equipment
Education : Kyushu University (MS)

Hiroshi YOSHIZAWA(Patent Attorney Admitted 1994) (※1)

Position: Manager of Electrical Engineering Division
Technical Field: electrical/electronic engineering, communication engineering, information system engineering, image processing, optoelectronics
Education : University of Electro-Communications, (B.S.,1983)

Haruhiko MIMURA(Patent Attorney Admitted 1999)

Technical Field: electrical engineering
Education : Hosei University (MS)

Yoh OKABE(Patent Attorney Admitted 2002)

Technical Field: biotechnology
Education : Tokyo Institute of Technology (MS)

Takashi MIYAKE (Patent Attorney Admitted 2017) (※1)

Technical Field: condensed matter physics
Education : Tokyo Institute of Technology (MS)

Atsushi KURIYAMA (Patent Attorney Admitted 2023)

Technical Field: electronic device
Education : Tokyo Institute of Technology (MS)

Aki HONDA(Patent Attorney Admitted 2004)

Position: Manager of Chemical Engineering Division
Technical Field: life science, general chemistry
Education : The University of Tokyo (Ph.D.)

Masami SAITO(Patent Attorney Admitted 2003)

Technical Field: organic chemistry
Education : Tokyo University of Science (MS)

Osamu TAMURA(Patent Attorney Admitted 2011)

Technical Field: interface engineering
Education : Tohoku University

Mao SHIDA(Patent Attorney Admitted 2023)

Technical Field: comprehensive cultural policy studies
Aoyama Gakuin University

Kaori TAKAMI(Patent Attorney Admitted 2001)(※1)

Position: Manager of Trademarks and Designs Division
Trademarks, Designs, Copyrights, unfair competition and services related to application for suspension and identification procedures at Customs
Education : Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Chuo University (Bachelor of Law)
Job History : Senior IPR Specialist of Japan Customs from July 2013 to June 2015.
IPR Expert Advisors for Customs from 2021.
Member: Japanese Group of Asian Patent Attorneys Association, INTA

(※1) Empowered with additional indication of specified infringement litigation representation service